Minggu, 20 November 2011

Bukittinggi city tour with a fascinating sights

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Clock Tower is named for a tower clock located in the heart of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra province, Indonesia. Local communities named "Clock Tower" (language minang), therefore this clock tower has four clocks with a large size; where "large sieve" in Indonesian language means "great". 
Clock Tower was built in 1926 by an architect named Yazid Sutan Dental Ameh. Clock Tower is a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to the Rook Maker, or the secretary of the town of Bukittinggi Controleur Dutch East Indies. Laying the first stone clock tower was conducted by Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old. in the reign
Such a phenomenal, since it was built and since its establishment, the Clock Tower has become the center of everyone's attention. It also resulted in the Clock Tower used as a marker or landmark town of Bukittinggi and also as one of the icons of West Sumatra province. In addition, the room under the Clock Tower has also been used as a ticket booth, police stations, and warehouses in 1970.
Construction of the Clock Tower is said to cost of development with a total of 3,000 Gulden, which costs quite fantastic for the size of the time. But it paid off with the famous Clock Tower as a landmark as well as the iconic town of Bukittinggi. In addition, the Clock Tower is also set as the zero point the town of Bukittinggi.
Since its establishment, the clock tower has undergone three changes to the roof. Established early in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the roof of the Clock Tower round shape with a statue of a rooster facing eastwards on it. Later in the reign of the Japanese occupation shaped pagoda. And since the proclamation of Indonesian independence, the Clock Tower-shaped roof on the roof of the traditional Minangkabau house (house Tower).
The last renovation was done in 2010 by the Heritage Preservation Board Indonesia (ARDI) with the support of Bukittinggi city government and the Dutch embassy in Jakarta, and was inaugurated exactly on the anniversary of the town Bukittinggi to 262 on 22 DECEMBER 2010. 

Extensive ground-plan of the Clock Tower is a 13 x 4 meters, with a tower 26 meters high. Meanwhile four hour imported from Rotterdam, the Netherlands through the port is driven by mesindiameter 80 cm respectively. It is said that the machine at the Clock Tower built only two units in the world; the Clock Tower itself and Bigben in london, ENGLAND. mechanically and have
Clock Tower was built without the use of iron peyangga and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand. The uniqueness of the Clock Tower itself is the mistake of writing the Roman numeral four ("IV") on each day is written "IIII". Where kesahalan writing like that too often the case in parts of the world, like the number 9 which was written "VIIII" (should be "IX") or the number 28 that written "XXIIX" (should be "XXVIII").

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